So I'm the Director of Children and Youth Ministry at a small but growing progressive urban church in Pittsburgh. I had no intention of pursuing this kind of position two plus years ago, but here I am, working with children and youth and striving to do the best I can with what God has thrown in front of me, or rather, what God has thrown me in front of.
I spend a lot of time getting adults to volunteer to participate in events like Vacation Bible School, teaching Sunday School, and working in the nursery. But my favorite part of this job comes when I can let go of the organizing and people-herding, and teach something about what I hope to be true about God. So maybe that's what this blog will turn in to, a chance for me to share some of those moments with anyone else who might be interested, and write out my thoughts about this vocation, and hopefully, this will help me discern the next step that is right for me.